And with impeccable timing, James Farmer loses his rag in relation to an IFTF jolly the future of teaching:The importance of the role of teachers as instructors will decrease, while their role as facilitators, consultants, guides and coaches for learners, as role models and as validators and interpreters of knowledge sharing, creation and acquisition, will increase
Is suppose it’s inevitable that a room packed with futurists, bureaucrats and people who’ve done well out of social technologies would come up with this kind of definition, and if you’re going to call your seminar “The Future of Learning Agents” then this is the kind of guff that you’re going to expect.
Now let me stress that James is not having a go at Kronberg (although I'd like to know what he thinks about that as well). And let me also say that I am not a teacher (although I have been involved in corporate training) and I haven't been a student for a decade. With those caveats in place, let me move right on to the ill-informed generalisations:
- There are many different learning environments out there and they are all somewhat different: primary, secondary & tertiary education, vocational education & organisational training. For a learner to take responsibility for their own learning, they have to be able to take responsibility for stuff and getting a 5 year-old to take responsibility for a goldfish is tricky enough, let alone their future. Asking a 40 year-old corporate executive to do so is a different matter (just don't leave him alone with the goldfish).
- Many tertiary educators (& corporate trainers) would love to be collaborative learning agents, partnering on the great educational adventure with their students. Many of the students (tho not all) don't want this. They want the quickest route to the piece of paper at the end of the course. "Just gimme the course notes and don't make me think too much".
- There are two big trends in education: The first trend focuses on the standardisation & control that can be seen in development of national curricula on the one hand & competency-based LMS tools on the other. However, the individual does not learn in a "standard" way so this has triggered the second big trend - the focus on user-centred learning. Both of these views have some legitimacy but both by themselves are harmful. We need to build some kind of synthesis between these two approaches. Suggestions?
Ultimately I think that statement from Kronberg might be right. I would add that it's not just the teachers we need to change but their students / stakeholders as well (i.e. the rest of us). If we are all to become life-long learners (which I believe in the current, crazy world, we must), we must also become teachers (of others & also ourselves). Are we ready for that?