Showing posts with label tata interactive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tata interactive. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2008

chicago - swings & roundabouts

So yesterday morning I rocked up to a gig on Enterprise Performance Support Systems put on by Dirk Tussing from Executive Learning Exchange & some dudes from Tata Interactive. An EPSS is an embedded tool that supports inexperienced workers focues processes and systems (e.g. call centre staff or claims agents). There were muffins and some nice conversation.

Then I spent the afternoon with Tim "Podcast" Keelan. Tim has a knack for constructing cool P2P learning content and a penchant for ranting - which are both good things.

I bought a ticket for this show and actually made it to the performance this time.

However, I did miss my flight this morning (boo) but by chance got to see Cory Doctorow* doing his thing at Chicago Public Library. Which kinda rocked with fists of steel.

*Kim - This guy hates CCTV and believes we must take back our own privacy - you'd love him.