Sunday, August 21, 2005

Identity Blogging & Masks

Dave Weinberger has a post on Julie Leung's talk on Blogs & Masks. Which seems to be talking about exactly the issues that have been vexing me here. Julie's blog makes reference to the term Identity Blogging.

The phrase identity blogger to me means that I am blogging my identity, creating one and revealing it at the same time. What we have most of all, all of us, as bloggers, beyond anything else, is our identity. It's our flavor. Our scent. Our hue. What makes me me, what makes us each distinctive. It is who we are.

What this seems to be talking about is the importance of voice. How individuals (or groups/teams for that matter) create (or maybe find?) a distinctive voice. Because that's what I as a reader look for in a blog. Sure, facts, links, etc. But what keeps me coming back in the distinctive voice of the writer. What they care about and how they express these concerns.

So how do you get a voice? Well, some individuals seem to spring fully formed offering insightful opinions expressed with stylistic genius. For most of us though, it comes down to graft & practice. No infant emerges from the womb laying down lines like Oscar Wilde. Instead they learn through first copying others, then engaging in conversations.

What does your voice sound like?


Nancy White said...

Matt, you may enjoy doing a search for Blogher and Identity blogging. Much of the session at Blogher was blogged, podcast and vlogged and touches on some of these issues of voice and identity.

Matt Moore said...

Thanks Nancy.

I was a bit nervous of looking at this material. It felt like I was peeking into the women's changing rooms. But I'll give it a go on your recommendation.