Thursday, July 24, 2008

podcast - slow communities with nancy white

Nancy has been writing & talking a lot about "slow community" recently - video, slides & post here & here. Sadly Ed Mitchell couldn't join us as planned (but we'll nab him again in the future).

One thing we didn't tackle in the podcast was the matter of practical tactics: What should community members & coordinators do?

Answers on a postcard please...

Download the mp3

00:00 - Nancy's conversations about slow communities
03:30 - Matt's fast community anecdote
06:00 - When is slow appropriate?
06:30 - The importance of sustainability
07:15 - Fast is good for social media experiments
08:00 - We need to learn & reflect
10:30 - Rhythm, pausing & athletics
12:15 - Organisational seasons & hurricanes
14:00 - More is not necessarily better
15:30 - Community obesity
17:00 - Networks & comununities
18:00 - Admitting that you have a problem
20:00 - Mindfulness & self-awareness as critical skills
22:30 - Nancy applies the brakes with meditation
24:00 - What do we really need?


Anonymous said...


Nice interview. Funnily enough, I was talking with a colleague today about these kind of issues. One - how many digital platforms and digital communities can one individual perform in with any sense of meaning? I am already struggling with multiple digital tools!

And secondly, there is a desire to push for rapid change rather than slow change in many cases because there is the risk that the momentum is diverted elsewhere, never to return again.

I think the discussion about appropriateness is the real issue - or in cog-edge-speak, context is key!

With respect to reflection and learning, very important. I can see that the fast zone may inhibit that level of learning. However, I think that discerning the appropriate zone for the context is the real issue.



Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this podcast.

The phrase "underfunded by nature" is rolling around inside my head.