Monday, June 01, 2009

google vs bing: microsoft thinks i'm gay

Microsoft have brought out there own search engine competitor to Google. it's known as "Bing" (which makes me think of a dead crooner, not sure if that's the association that they're after). I put both these products through their paces by conducting a rigorous benchmarking process entering a stupid question. Google's results were quite funny. Bing's results were... gay. And I don't mean that in an offensive, equating-homosexuality-with-lameness fashion but literally.

Yikes, may be I am gay. May be Microsoft have tapped into the murkiest corners of my sexual orientation and revealed my true nature to me.

I am out of my closet and it's all thanks to you, Bing!!!

[Click on images to enlarge - please note the findings from Bing are not safe for work or a web demo for your kids]


Unknown said...

I have to take issue with your comment that "microsoft thinks i'm gay". To me, the results presented do more to suggest that Google chooses to pander to the right-wing christian biggots, while Microsoft offers a much more liberal alternative. In this, I applaude Microsoft and Bing. (P.S. Is it a co-incidence that the CAPTCHA on this comment is "unders"??? I think not.)

Matt M said...

You're right! Let me change that post title to "Google vs Bing: Proof that Google are Fascists".

I'm assuming that "Don't Be Evil" is really an abbreviation of "Don't Be Evil and Fall Prey to the Sodomistic Sexual Temptations of the Horned One".

Unknown said...

Good assumption.