Wednesday, October 29, 2008

actkm - networks

Graham and Laurie both ran sessions on networks of different sorts. BTW networks are so hot right now.

I interpret Graham's work as being built on a single, brilliant insight (plus lots of hard work). The insight is that the nodes in social network analysis don't have to be people. They can be projects or policies or many other kinds of business objects. I strongly advise you to read his blog.

Meanwhile Laurie's partnership scorecard is also shaping up nicely. He now has lots of nifty templates. The session suffered from being a dash hypothetical (I imagine it plays so much better for real) but again definitely worth checking out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the comment and pointing people to my website and blog.

Your comment is accurate. I would expand it by saying projects, organisations etc are socially constructed. This means they can be attributed back to a person or persons, which is why the network analysis approach works and can be useful. That said it is not always useful, and sometimes can confuse the issue.

Regards Graham