Saturday, December 26, 2009

facing the swarm: the coming obsolescence of the big idea

Educated people in business love The Big Idea. Generally this is a heroic idea that will change everything. I am falling out of love with the Idea of The Big Idea. I think the problems were face as a species are so complex, are so wicked that just a few Big Ideas won't do.

We need a swarm of lots of Small Ideas small ideas. Micronotions that propogate across the memescape. Like any small, fast-breeding creatures, many are poorly adapted for their environment and doomed to die but many will reproduce and mutate and colonise.

Of course, careers are not built on small ideas nor are awards won. But the world is changed by small ideas.

I call for a profligacy of conceptulets.

Think small!


Alice Dunlap-Kraft said...

I think there's a difference between all the potential solutions that needed to be tested out, for which the more the merrier in order to yield good results, and the motivating idea about the problem that spurs them on. It's easier for people to grab onto a big idea and run in their own direction with it. There's something about feeling tied into the big idea, a connection with others, that motivates contribution to the solution. So maybe some of each works best? I wonder whether we have sufficient stimuli and catalysts to get a swarm of good ideas going....

Matt M said...

There's something about feeling tied into the big idea, a connection with others, that motivates contribution to the solution

I think this is part of what worries me about "Big Ideas" - the slightly messianic quality that their followers assign to them.

I wonder whether we have sufficient stimuli and catalysts to get a swarm of good ideas going

I think we will but the process won't be a comfortable one.

jackvinson said...

Matt- This also relates to the idea that people have when going through their own personal changes: "I feel like a breakthrough is around the corner." When in fact, it is all the little things that you do that lead you to turn around in a year and realize things ARE different.