Friday, November 30, 2007

etiquette: interruption interaction urgency

Yesterday, I was trying to explain to Brad in what circumstances I might send an email vs. a txt vs. call someone. It came down to balancing interruption, interaction & urgency.

Interruption: Some media require the full attention of the respondent. They have to stop what they are doing right now. Face-to-face is (or should be) the primary example of this. Likewise calling someone requires that they interrupt themselves to interact. Email or txt causes less interruption for most people.

However sometime you have to interact with someone (e.g. discussing what movie to see that evening). I prefer the phone for that. It is possible with email or txt but it feels more clumsy (IM is better).

There is also the issue of urgency: I view txt as a more urgent medium than email (& voice trumps txt) but that depends on context.

That's how I rationalise what I do anyway.

How about you?

1 comment:

Simon Carswell said...

I've started using Skype only quite recently. By using the IM facility it makes it possible to check if someone is available for a call, before you call. Best of both worlds.