Wednesday, April 16, 2008

podcast - james dellow - enterprise rss action day

Today I interviewed James Dellow about the Enterprise RSS Day of Action.

Download the podcast here (8Mb, 32:54)
  • 2:00 - Andrew McAfee & SLATES - Enterprise 2.0 is about more than just wikis.
  • 3:05 - Grey Areas - when social software isn't "social".
  • 5:30 - What is RSS? - Really Simple Syndication
  • 9:50 - So what about Enterprise RSS?
  • 11:40 - What are the benefits of Enterprise RSS? (the elevator pitch is longer than 30 seconds)
  • 14:30 - How will it impact the behaviour of users? It's all about AWARENESS...
  • 15:40 - How does it impact internal communications? Measurement & persistence...
  • 19:45 - The 10 things that James wants from Enterprise RSS.
  • 21:50 - The top 3 challenges to Enterprise RSS: Content / Technologists / Users.
  • 23:35 - How to get started with Enterprise RSS.
  • 25:50 - Vendors: Attensa & Newsgator.
  • 28:20 - Pervasive RSS - Feeds Everywhere.
  • 29:35 - Enterprise RSS Action Day.
Nice one James!


Anonymous said...

Excellent. Now, let's turn this into a real podcast that can be caught by a podcatcher! (I'm assuming you will be posting more audio files, so you'll need a mechanism to represent enclosures for applications like iTunes and others that can grab the enclosures for later listening.)

Doug Cornelius said...

Great session. (At least so far. I am only half way through.)

I do not know about the technical stuff that Jack mentions. I just saved the file to my iTunes library and added it to my playlist.

Matt Moore said...

Jack - You are quite right! Now can you send me a link on how to do that?

Doug - Glad you liked it. James D knows his stuff. Looking forward to meeting you in the US.