Tuesday, October 30, 2007

magic quadrant for social software

James D points us towards the Gartner magic quadrant on team collaboration & social software that Socialtext are quite proud of. My sense is that Gartner's coverage of this area has tended to focus on vendors (in contrast with Forrester's focus on user/buyer behaviour & practices). As James notes, the criteria for inclusion seem a little erratic -with established software vendors such as IBM, MS, Vignette, EMC, Open Text & BEA (Oracle is noticeable by its absence) mixed in with Atlassian, Social Text & TWiki. I would also like to get my greasy mitts on a copy of the report. I would put Cogenz & ConnectBEAM in there too (and Gartner have written about these products under the Enterprise 2.0 header).

For me, this highlights the relative immaturity of enterprise social software as a concept - despite individual components having been around for a decade. "Yeah, it's blogs & wikis & RSS, and, er, something about social networks, er...can I go back to my document management implementation now please?"

At the moment, Enterprise 2.0 is still whatever you want it to be, baby - (although it probably involves wikis).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I would put Cogenz & ConnectBEAM in there too". So would we ;-)