Thursday, January 29, 2009

good writing surfeit

A few years back, simply setting up a blog and writing regularly got you some kudos. It helped if you had something to say and could say it well.

Here's the bad news: A blog is no longer a shortcut to prominence (if it ever was). That's not enough anymore. It has come to my attention that there are simply masses of blogs out there. Heaps. With good writing on them. Lots of it. In fact too much for me to usefully absorb.

Here's the good news: There's plenty of good stuff to read. An observation every day to tickle your brain buds. And you can join in and comment. And not feel worried about starting your own blog because everyone else is doing*. And you can train your writing muscles every day, so they grow big and strong.

And there'll be a whole mess of great writing going on before you know it.

*Statistically this is not true but that'll be our little secret for now, k?

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