Sunday, August 05, 2007

Open Publish (3): Second Day Highlights

Damn Alexander Roche to hell and back. He's a dashed good presenter. He had a compelling case study about implementing a learning object repository @ FINSIA based on open standards. He had chocolate fercrissakes! And I had to follow him. But follow him I did (presentation to be uploaded tomorrow).

And then I sat down for Russ Weakley discussing the user experience. Russ is a charming fellow and talked about the application of tagging & virtual folders to the Australian Museum web site. The key takeaway was giving users multiple ways of finding their way through the media/information/narratives on your site. Looking forward to the Australian Museum's use of tagging.

Ash Donaldson talked about information architecture in general and NSW DETR case study in particular.

Cheryl Lead talked about Marketing & Web 2.0 - with Flickrgate rearing its ugly (photoshopped) head and STA travel being highlighted as a good example. Key quote: "Customer service is the new marketing".

The real highlight from Friday was talking to co-organiser Nick Carr (no, not that one) about his record label. That man is on fire.

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