Friday, February 29, 2008

dogear raid - throw a football in a greenhouse

It's been a slow night here at EwF towers. IBM runs a testbed for its social software called Lotus Greenhouse. I have been evaluating a number of IBM products for various reasons, including IBM's version of called dogear. Seeing that most of the tags were for "Lotus" and "Connections" (Dogear is part of the Lotus Connections suite), I decided to have a bit of fun (N.B. the following very much depends on a non-standard definition of fun). Here is the "before" picture (click to enlarge):

And here is the "after". Pay particular attention to the "active tags" thingo on the left-hand side of the screen (click to enlarge):

I quite like dubstep. I really don't care about football that much. But I do like the idea of mildly confusing people. Feel free to get yourself a Greenhouse ID and start randomly tagging things. I want IBM to be unwitting providers of the premier dubstep/football portal site on the whole of the interweb. Who's with me?

[FULL DISCLOSURE: I used to work for IBM but I have no financial interest in them. I advocate the flagrant coup d'tag of any social bookmarking site, not just IBM's. But please, let's keep it clean. Think of the children.]

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