Thursday, February 28, 2008

kiva poetry auction

Inspired by Johnnie's gift, I am instituting a Kiva poetry auction. Here is the skinny:

  • You can bid for a special poem. What makes it different to an ordinary one? I will video a performance and put it on YouTube. You decide the topic of the poem. And you get to decide any "special" requirements for the video performance*.
  • You then get to choose the Kiva entrepreneur (or entrepreneurs) we give the money to. I will feature regular updates from them on my blog - and if you are a blogger you will do the same.
  • I will add AU$100 of my own.
  • The closing date is midnight March 31st.
  • The bidding starts at AU$100.
  • Bids are made in the comments box of this blog post.
  • Given the cooperative nature of Kiva, consortiums of bidders are allowed.

*I will not go nude. I will do not anything illegal or health-threatening. But apart from that, it's all fair game.


Unknown said...

What fun! I'll start the bidding at $100.

Unknown said...

And I'll think very carefully about the special performance requirements.

the vampire's dream said...

i bid $150 - poem topic would be "hope"

the vampire's dream said...

i won, i won :-) let me how you want to progress for the kiva stuff and love to see the poem on hope (sometime this month?)

Matt Moore said...

lesser kudu - you did indeed win. I will be in touch shortly but life is quite chaotic right now...