Friday, February 22, 2008

my life as a fake

So I'm having a coffee with Brad. And we start talking about roles & preferences & stuff. As you may have gathered, I am a big-picture, wave-my-arms-about kinda guy. And yet I have worked with people who are even bigger-picture, more-wavy-of-arm than myself. In this situation I find myself playing the role of "detail dude". I get my Gantt chart on. I might even trot out my serial killer face. I am shifting role. Now Laurel is talking about acting. And this is relevant. Because when you act, you don't pretend to be someone else. That will fool no one. If you are being a villain, a lover, a leader then you find the bit of you that is evil/loving/charismatic. Because it's there. It may be minute and undernourished but it's there. And you amplify it. I find it most fun to play something completely different to my normal character. You want to stretch yourself.

And going back to the "role at work" thing, that's what a good manager will do for you: "Yes you are great at playing the project manager, system tester, strategic thinker but how abouts you try a different role for a bit?" Now a good manager will also know that you can't be playing a role all the time. You don't give a details person a highly ambiguous brief. Just asking for trouble. But you do want to stretch people because they are a bit like muscles. They only grow if you stretch them.

*There is no reason for using this snippet from Underworld except that I love it. Unless you want to find one - in which case knock yourself out.

1 comment:

Jasmin Tragas said...

from the wisdom of a Muscle Enhancing non-steroidal supplement shopping site:

" To put it short, if you want your muscle grow, you should give it as much stress as possible in the gym, then you should provide it with everything it needs to recover and grow, which is time and food.

Do not stress the same muscle every day - it will not have enough time to recover and grow."

Yes, I like it, put the right kind of stress in your work life, try different things, and watch your muscles grow over time. Oh, and eat.