Wednesday, February 13, 2008

social network analysis fun & games (2)

Krackhardt's Graph Theoretical Dimensions of Hierarchy; Density; E-I index; Cliques; N-cliques; N-clans; K-plexes; K-cores; F-groups; Lambda sets and bridges; Automorphic equivalence; Optimization by Tabu search; Two-mode SVD analysis...

The list goes on. SNA has its own arcane set of techniques and an equally arcane language to decribe them. Other forms of data mining have their own obscure vocabularies (CHAID, CART, k-Nearest-Neighbour) and they have been heavily used in the CRM world. As we have tended to think of customers as isolated actors, this kinda made sense - but if that assumption was once correct (and I doubt it was) then it is decreasingly true.

So can we use N-clans & E-I indexes to make more money? I mean sure we want to engage with customers, improve service, yadda yadda yadda but can they earn us cold, hard cash?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a poke around my site, particularly here , and on the HolisTech site at this link .

Are we making cold hard cash by using K-cores, N-cliques, Lamba sets etc? You bet we are!

Regards, Graham